How to Understand the Mind
Meditation Class in the Central West
Every day our mind creates many different realities, some of which bring us a sense of joy and freedom, and others that are limiting, and even painful. Buddha’s teachings explain the profound connection between our mind and the world we experience. Understanding the power our mind has to create, gives us confidence to create the life we want.
Buddha taught that the mind is the creator of everything, including our experiences of both happiness and suffering. How the world appears to us depends upon the mind, understanding this, if we change our mind, we literally change everything.
By contemplating and meditating on Buddha’s wisdom teachings on emptiness we come to know the illusory nature of things and they lose their power over us. Gaining control over our mind and learning to harness its power we are able to find real freedom and happiness.
Fri 17 – Sat 18 November| Cost $15 per person
with Resident Teacher Kelsang Monlam
This class contains a teaching and two guided meditations. You are very welcome to ask questions after class. No experience needed.
You are welcome to wear a mask. Pay at the door.
Everybody welcome!
Date | Location
Orange | Fri 17 November | 7 – 8.30pm | Senior Citizens Centre, 77 Kite St, Orange
Bathurst | Sat 18 November | 1 – 2.30pm |Pranayoga Centre, 97 Keppel St | Bathurst