Stop Worrying, Start Living

Meditation Class in the Central West

Worry is an unhelpful mental habit that we can all experience and it can lead to unpleasant feelings such as anxiety, fear and stress.

Learn practical methods to overcome this unhelpful mental habit of worrying and discover the natural inner peace of your own mind. With a peaceful mind we are happy and free to enjoy each moment of our life.

Fri 20 – Sat 21 October| Cost $15 per person

with Resident Teacher Kelsang Monlam 

This class contains a teaching and two guided meditations. You are very welcome to ask questions after class. No experience needed.

You are welcome to wear a mask. Pay at the door.

Everybody welcome!

Date | Location

Orange | Fri 20 October | 7 – 8.30pm | Senior Citizens Centre, 77 Kite St, Orange 

Bathurst | Sat 21 October | 1 – 2.30pm |Pranayoga Centre, 97 Keppel St | Bathurst


Kelsang Monlam is the Resident Teacher of Khedrubje Kadampa Buddhist Centre. She has been practising meditation and Buddhism since 2008. Kelsang Monlam presents Buddha’s teachings in a light and practical manner and inspires us through example to incorporate Buddha’s teachings into our daily life